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Requirements for designers - Ads

Order service ad

Ad in order service:
optimal 600x400 pixel width x height as .JPG oder .PNG
+ Link to which the recipient should be lead..

Banner in the portal

optimal 795 x 150 pixel width x height as .JPG or .PNG
+ Links, that lead the recipient to your wished website/article.

optimal 255 pixel width x variable height as .JPG or .PNG
+ Links, that lead the recipient to your wished website/article.

in development!

Anfrage stellen

INFOX Kontakt

INFOX GmbH & Co. Informationslogistik KG
Genker Straße 20 
53842 Troisdorf-Spich

Fon. +49 (0) 2241 2500 00


Request a free consultation

We would be pleased to discuss your individual requirements with you. Free of charge and without obligation.